My Vent on the Constant Cries of “Fake News”

In watching the CBS This Morning  news show and reading the  three  tweets posted in a current report, on the president’s recent tweeting, written, yesterday or today, by Mr. Trump where he again assaults media, calling them “fake news”. Again, I remembered the history, of one of the Hitler’s components of the lead up to the Holocaust and World War II being Hitler’s dismissal of all news sources. When he had discounted the news sources enough, they were no longer trusted by the people and their warnings of Hitler’s choices ending badly for races of people.

There are so many less than accurate (understatement) sources out there not to be trusted, when they are shared and spread like wildfire on social media. I, for one, have renewed my St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper subscription giving me access to Washington Post as well. As a ‘former’ reporter, I learned in Journalism 101, print news is about 89% more accurate than television or blogs. Since print articles are backed by heavy research and not fake. That is unless the interviewees are playing us. Be careful which sources you trust, but don’t believe all news is ‘fake news’.

© Nanette Traband
October 2017

Here is a little history lesson:

“The Establishment of a Totalitarian State”

When Hitler was appointed chancellor he called fresh elections for March. The SA began to attack their political enemies” [news reporters telling the truth] “especially the Communists and Social Democrats. Their papers were closed down their offices raided, their meetings attacked and their members beaten up.”

Quote compliments a paper on European History, “Hitler’s Rise to Power,” the Intellectual property of Dr. Marjorie Bloy and written by Stephen Tonge

About nanette755

Writer, Published Grief and Bereavement Support Seamstress of over 40 years Bachelor of Liberal Studies w/ Minor in English SIUE 2001
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